This most wonderful gift of Divine Love is still available to each of us. I believe every declared Saint had it. I also believe we can each gain the same graces the Saint's were bestowed with and become Saints as well.
The Spirit of Gertrude excerpts from Book
It must be observed here, that the soul is purified from the stain of sin principally in two manners : first, by the bitterness of penance, which is represented under the figure of a bath; and secondly, by the sweet embrace of Divine love, which is figured by the garden.
JESUS CHRIST once appeared to the Saint, and, showing her His Heart, said to her: " My beloved, give Me your heart:" and as she presented it to Him with profound respect, it seemed to her that He united it to His by a canal which reached to the ground, through which He poured forth abundantly the effusions of His infinite grace, saying to her : " Henceforth I shall use your heart as a canal through which I will pour forth the impetuous torrents of mercy and consolation which flow from My loving Heart on all those who shall dispose themselves to receive it, by having recourse to you with humility and confidence."
Two angels of the choir of Seraphim then presented her to the Holy Spirit, who penetrated the three powers of her soul. At the first Kyrie eleison, He illuminated her reason with the glorious light of Divine knowledge, that she might always know His will perfectly. At the second Kyrie eleiscn, He strengthened the irascible* part of her soul to resist all the machinations of her enemies, and to conquer every evil. At the last Kyrie eleison, He inflamed her love, that she might love God with her whole heart, with her whole soul, and with her whole strength.
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I don't need everything I have.
I have everything I need.
Whatever I do I need to do it with an attitude of loving grace.The best attitude to have as I approach anything and everything I do is is enthusiastic joy but even if I may not be overjoyed (can one really be overjoyed?) about a task I can approach it with a smile and often end up find joy in the experience. Then there are those things that appear as drudgery those not so fun things that we all have to get done. An attitude of acceptance is all that is required here. Most likely as the task nears completion my attitude will again be joyful as I can cross that once dreaded item of my list. Now here is the biggest lesson of all for me, if I can't find a way to be at minimal accepting of a situation I won't do it not at all. At least not then.
Doing "good" while thinking "bad" is not good for anyone. Instead I'll work my attitude about it. Seeking to find some acceptance of the situation and so I will be able to neutrally deal with it. If I can't do that I'll either skip it and forget it or hire it out or hand it on. I now understand that attitude is really everything and if I approach anything with any bit negativity, I am doing more harm than good. I have found that putting myself and keeping myself in the right frame of mind is important work in its self.
It takes two to tango and two to tangle.
It really does. Just because someone throws something at me doesn't mean I have to catch it and throw it right back. I've learned it's more fun and quite satisfying to have the self control to let things bounce off of me and with a thud hit the ground. Such a non reaction reaction is often unsettling to the other who began "the game". It's like playing fetch once with a dog. If the dog fails to bring the ball back then the game is over.
Every day I awaken, I awaken more. The majority of the thoughts I share here are from the hand of others that speak unto my own heart so very clear.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Saint Gertrude gains the grace of Divine Love
I have been on a mission. A mission from God. I am seeking to connect the dots between the special graces I have received with the bestowal of God's Divine Love and the paths and practices of the Church declared Saints.
This information just arrived. How exciting. It has been said so many ways but it is the same truth. Hidden in plain sight. The wonderful mystical gift of God's Divine Love. Saint Gertrude understands this special grace much the same as I. There is a difference she notes between the ordinary love and this special bestowal of love from God's Divine Heart. The most Sacred Heart. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened.
Just below is an excerpt from the book Spirit of St. Gertude and following it is the book online.
The Lord appeared to St. Gertrude, full of sweetness and grace, breathing forth a holy vivifying odour, and pouring forth from the august throne of His glory the influences of His love for the sweet Feast of His Nativity.
Then, the Saint having prayed Him to enrich all who had been recommended to her prayers with special grace, He said to her : " I have given to each a tube of pure gold; of which such is the virtue, that by it they may draw forth all they need from my Sacred Heart." By this mystic tube she understood that good will by which men may acquire all the spiritual riches which are in heaven and on earth. For example: if any one, burning with the fire of pure and holy desires, endeavours to give God as much thanks and praise, and as many testimonies of service and fidelity as certain of His saints have rendered to Him, the infinite goodness of God regards this good will as if it had really been effected. But this tube becomes more brilliant than gold when men thank God for having given them so noble and elevated a will, that they might have acquired infinitely greater advantages by it than the whole world could bestow. She knew, also, that all her sisters who surrounded Jesus Christ received Divine grace by similar tubes. Some appeared to receive it directly from the Heart of Jesus Christ, others from His Hands; but the further from His Heart they drew these graces, the more difficulty they had in obtaining them; whereas those who drew them from His Divine Heart obtained them more easily, more sweetly, and more abundantly. Those who drew directly from His Sacred Heart represented those persons who conform themselves entirely to the Divine will, who desire above all things that this will should be accomplished in them, both in regard to spirituals and temporals. And these persons touch the Heart of God so powerfully, and render it so favourable to them at the time that God has determined, that they receive the torrent of Divine sweetness with as much abundance and pleasure as they have abandoned themselves perfectly to His holy will. But those who endeavoured to draw their graces from the other members of the Body of Jesus Christ, represent those persons who endeavour to acquire virtue according to their natural inclinations; and the fear and difficulty they experience is proportionate to the extent to which they have relied on their own judgment, and have failed to abandon themselves to Divine Providence.
This information just arrived. How exciting. It has been said so many ways but it is the same truth. Hidden in plain sight. The wonderful mystical gift of God's Divine Love. Saint Gertrude understands this special grace much the same as I. There is a difference she notes between the ordinary love and this special bestowal of love from God's Divine Heart. The most Sacred Heart. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened.
Just below is an excerpt from the book Spirit of St. Gertude and following it is the book online.
The Lord appeared to St. Gertrude, full of sweetness and grace, breathing forth a holy vivifying odour, and pouring forth from the august throne of His glory the influences of His love for the sweet Feast of His Nativity.
Then, the Saint having prayed Him to enrich all who had been recommended to her prayers with special grace, He said to her : " I have given to each a tube of pure gold; of which such is the virtue, that by it they may draw forth all they need from my Sacred Heart." By this mystic tube she understood that good will by which men may acquire all the spiritual riches which are in heaven and on earth. For example: if any one, burning with the fire of pure and holy desires, endeavours to give God as much thanks and praise, and as many testimonies of service and fidelity as certain of His saints have rendered to Him, the infinite goodness of God regards this good will as if it had really been effected. But this tube becomes more brilliant than gold when men thank God for having given them so noble and elevated a will, that they might have acquired infinitely greater advantages by it than the whole world could bestow. She knew, also, that all her sisters who surrounded Jesus Christ received Divine grace by similar tubes. Some appeared to receive it directly from the Heart of Jesus Christ, others from His Hands; but the further from His Heart they drew these graces, the more difficulty they had in obtaining them; whereas those who drew them from His Divine Heart obtained them more easily, more sweetly, and more abundantly. Those who drew directly from His Sacred Heart represented those persons who conform themselves entirely to the Divine will, who desire above all things that this will should be accomplished in them, both in regard to spirituals and temporals. And these persons touch the Heart of God so powerfully, and render it so favourable to them at the time that God has determined, that they receive the torrent of Divine sweetness with as much abundance and pleasure as they have abandoned themselves perfectly to His holy will. But those who endeavoured to draw their graces from the other members of the Body of Jesus Christ, represent those persons who endeavour to acquire virtue according to their natural inclinations; and the fear and difficulty they experience is proportionate to the extent to which they have relied on their own judgment, and have failed to abandon themselves to Divine Providence.
divine love,
my thoughts,
other's ideas,
Thursday, December 30, 2010
A few things I've learned this year
I don't need everything I have.
I have everything I need.
Whatever I do I need to do it with an attitude of loving grace.The best attitude to have as I approach anything and everything I do is is enthusiastic joy but even if I may not be overjoyed (can one really be overjoyed?) about a task I can approach it with a smile and often end up find joy in the experience. Then there are those things that appear as drudgery those not so fun things that we all have to get done. An attitude of acceptance is all that is required here. Most likely as the task nears completion my attitude will again be joyful as I can cross that once dreaded item of my list. Now here is the biggest lesson of all for me, if I can't find a way to be at minimal accepting of a situation I won't do it not at all. At least not then.
Doing "good" while thinking "bad" is not good for anyone. Instead I'll work my attitude about it. Seeking to find some acceptance of the situation and so I will be able to neutrally deal with it. If I can't do that I'll either skip it and forget it or hire it out or hand it on. I now understand that attitude is really everything and if I approach anything with any bit negativity, I am doing more harm than good. I have found that putting myself and keeping myself in the right frame of mind is important work in its self.
It takes two to tango and two to tangle.
It really does. Just because someone throws something at me doesn't mean I have to catch it and throw it right back. I've learned it's more fun and quite satisfying to have the self control to let things bounce off of me and with a thud hit the ground. Such a non reaction reaction is often unsettling to the other who began "the game". It's like playing fetch once with a dog. If the dog fails to bring the ball back then the game is over.
A note of thanks
My kitty Harry is so loving. He just gives and gives to me. No judgment. Just pure love. Yes, I do believe what our pets give to us is love. Love in its purest form. Selfless love, from their pure spirit.
Animals don’t have egos. Thank God. I really mean that. Thank you Glorious Creator for not giving the animals of this world a sense of self. Thank you for not installing the door as you did in humans. I’m talking about the door we as humans have to knock on to access our God qualities, the door we can only fully open when we put aside our self and become selfless.
Thank you for creating all of your other creatures as selfless beings. Their selfless love shows us “thinkers” that we don’t have to be “stinkers” and that there is a better more fulfilling way to live and give.
Animals don’t have egos. Thank God. I really mean that. Thank you Glorious Creator for not giving the animals of this world a sense of self. Thank you for not installing the door as you did in humans. I’m talking about the door we as humans have to knock on to access our God qualities, the door we can only fully open when we put aside our self and become selfless.
Thank you for creating all of your other creatures as selfless beings. Their selfless love shows us “thinkers” that we don’t have to be “stinkers” and that there is a better more fulfilling way to live and give.
My Thoughts
The true movers and shakers of this world have all had to have a deeper connection with the POWER – THE ONE which is in all and thus available to all. Amazing feats of science, art, music and other innovations never came from anyone’s little mind. They originate in DIVINE MIND, whether the individual is aware of this fact or not.
When an individual opens oneself to SOURCE as a free flowing conduit, the amazing is possible. But when one begins to understand the source of the POWER and the laws that guide and direct it, a miraculous life is lived.
Living somewhere between the two, between the ecstasy of creative expression and the agony of real life is the cycle that has caused many a creative genius to insanity! There seems to be no midpoint here. A creative genius either plays the part of martyr or saint, depending on his own self-realization, as a result of soul searching.
As an artist, a creative genius, I can tell the world that one of my kind has plenty of time to soul search, to contemplate. We live in our own little worlds of our imaginations. Trying our best to keep up with the flow of new ideas. Lot’s of time in solitude is necessary to create. We ponder and pause. Stepping back from the rush of the world.
I know for myself that for many years the only time I felt “whole” was when I was painting. I now understand that being “in the flow” was the reason, the reason for my joy, the reason for my feelings of health and peace.
At one time I told my father that all I really wanted to do was paint. Painting was my drug, my escape. I still have my painting but now I have more, so much more. I have a full life of joy. The same flow that I once only knew while standing at my easel now directs my entire life. The more I understand it, the more I am comfortable to release my grip on life and instead go with the flow.
When an individual opens oneself to SOURCE as a free flowing conduit, the amazing is possible. But when one begins to understand the source of the POWER and the laws that guide and direct it, a miraculous life is lived.
Living somewhere between the two, between the ecstasy of creative expression and the agony of real life is the cycle that has caused many a creative genius to insanity! There seems to be no midpoint here. A creative genius either plays the part of martyr or saint, depending on his own self-realization, as a result of soul searching.
As an artist, a creative genius, I can tell the world that one of my kind has plenty of time to soul search, to contemplate. We live in our own little worlds of our imaginations. Trying our best to keep up with the flow of new ideas. Lot’s of time in solitude is necessary to create. We ponder and pause. Stepping back from the rush of the world.
I know for myself that for many years the only time I felt “whole” was when I was painting. I now understand that being “in the flow” was the reason, the reason for my joy, the reason for my feelings of health and peace.
At one time I told my father that all I really wanted to do was paint. Painting was my drug, my escape. I still have my painting but now I have more, so much more. I have a full life of joy. The same flow that I once only knew while standing at my easel now directs my entire life. The more I understand it, the more I am comfortable to release my grip on life and instead go with the flow.
my thoughts,
I can see it but I don’t have to be it.
Some say I’m in denial. Some say I need to realize. Realize the awful condition of the world. Realize how bad things are. Some say this to me in response to my general positive disposition and outlook on life. What I realize is that I have the power to create my reality. I have the power to change what it is to what I desire it to be. I do this by focusing my desires and planting seeds of joyful thoughts in the cosmos.
My reality is very real. I pretend, as I intend, what I do tend. I live in a wonderful place, a joyful soul. As a joyful soul I can be physically anywhere and be content. I’ve been living this way for sometime now and can tell you truly it’s not all talk. Something happens, a real shift, spiritual, mental and physical, gradual but continual, accelerating and exhilarating.
I realize the power of my words. I realize the power of what I give attention too. I realize that whatever I focus on becomes my reality. So I look for and celebrate the good. I deny power to any other thoughts.
Yes, I live in denial. It’s a wonderful place. Come visit sometime. I bet you’ll want to stay.
My reality is very real. I pretend, as I intend, what I do tend. I live in a wonderful place, a joyful soul. As a joyful soul I can be physically anywhere and be content. I’ve been living this way for sometime now and can tell you truly it’s not all talk. Something happens, a real shift, spiritual, mental and physical, gradual but continual, accelerating and exhilarating.
I realize the power of my words. I realize the power of what I give attention too. I realize that whatever I focus on becomes my reality. So I look for and celebrate the good. I deny power to any other thoughts.
Yes, I live in denial. It’s a wonderful place. Come visit sometime. I bet you’ll want to stay.
law of attraction,
my thoughts,
Composers- Poets - Painters - Sages - Saints - Inventors - Philosophers
I understand why certain people of the past and are celebrated in our history for their deeds and words, were known for carrying and constantly writing in their small personal journals. These men and women were drawn to record and take note of the incessant stream of inspiration that flowed to and through them.
I have the same responsibility, as Divine Wisdom flows to me. It trickles in actually. The more I record and express it by my words and my art the more I am given. I believe that as I have shown willingness to listen, heed, share and record, I have been entrusted with more and more to give, as more is given to me.
I find that I cannot be with out a journal. Such as the noise of this inspiration demands to be acknowledged as such. Much the same as I have been drawn to express through my paintings. When I have expressed an idea, I am allowed to move on and move up the ladder. Is it Jacob’s ladder? I think of the song. “We are climbing Jacob’s ladder... Every round goes higher, higher… soldiers of the cross”.
I have the same responsibility, as Divine Wisdom flows to me. It trickles in actually. The more I record and express it by my words and my art the more I am given. I believe that as I have shown willingness to listen, heed, share and record, I have been entrusted with more and more to give, as more is given to me.
I find that I cannot be with out a journal. Such as the noise of this inspiration demands to be acknowledged as such. Much the same as I have been drawn to express through my paintings. When I have expressed an idea, I am allowed to move on and move up the ladder. Is it Jacob’s ladder? I think of the song. “We are climbing Jacob’s ladder... Every round goes higher, higher… soldiers of the cross”.
my thoughts,
self discovery,
Words have power
Although I knew I wasn’t helping myself by thinking of it, I couldn’t seem to drop the words from my mind, the words of another. Something said off the cuff that he most likely did not give another thought to. He didn’t need to, because I did.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” That little jingle easily rolls off my tongue. I wish that hurtful words thrown my way would never stick. “I am rubber, you are glue! Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks on you!” I know all this. I know that another’s words can only hurt me if they become mine when I repeat them in my mind. Oh, how I didn’t want them to become mine.
This made me think beyond myself, beyond the hurtful words, which I had heard only one time from the other. How many hurtful words are thrown carelessly in another’s direction? Often in the direction of those we love the most. Those words have the most potential to stick, the most potential to cause real damage. Maybe they were only said once but if not taken back they most often stick forever in the head and heart of the other. Playing like a broken record, repeating again and again in one’s mind.
Words do have power, even thoughtless words. Because I understand this I knew I could not keep them. If I kept the words they would become mine. “NO! I DON’T WANT THIS! HELP ME,” I pleaded, “TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME!”
These very words came to my mind. Words of instruction. Words of love and words of endearment. Words I have never heard before. Words that I repeated again and again all today in my mind.
These words came not from me but to me, from a higher consciousness, my higher self, from a place of pure love, from God. I hear this voice quite often, this small still voice, which speaks of comfort, direction, wisdom and most of all love. No, the voice was not mine. I am certain of this. The words were not mine, not in the beginning.
What a loving term of endearment. For as much love I have known as a daughter, wife and mother I do not recall ever calling anyone or nor anyone calling me “my precious”.
As I repeat these lovely words again and again to myself tears run down my face. Warmth fills my chest and I am rapt in Divine Love. God love me this I know, because the small still voices tells me so.
These words are mine. I claim them. I keep them. I hold them dear. God’s love is for us all. I am not a chosen one. I am one who has chosen God.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” That little jingle easily rolls off my tongue. I wish that hurtful words thrown my way would never stick. “I am rubber, you are glue! Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks on you!” I know all this. I know that another’s words can only hurt me if they become mine when I repeat them in my mind. Oh, how I didn’t want them to become mine.
This made me think beyond myself, beyond the hurtful words, which I had heard only one time from the other. How many hurtful words are thrown carelessly in another’s direction? Often in the direction of those we love the most. Those words have the most potential to stick, the most potential to cause real damage. Maybe they were only said once but if not taken back they most often stick forever in the head and heart of the other. Playing like a broken record, repeating again and again in one’s mind.
Words do have power, even thoughtless words. Because I understand this I knew I could not keep them. If I kept the words they would become mine. “NO! I DON’T WANT THIS! HELP ME,” I pleaded, “TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME!”
These very words came to my mind. Words of instruction. Words of love and words of endearment. Words I have never heard before. Words that I repeated again and again all today in my mind.
These words came not from me but to me, from a higher consciousness, my higher self, from a place of pure love, from God. I hear this voice quite often, this small still voice, which speaks of comfort, direction, wisdom and most of all love. No, the voice was not mine. I am certain of this. The words were not mine, not in the beginning.
What a loving term of endearment. For as much love I have known as a daughter, wife and mother I do not recall ever calling anyone or nor anyone calling me “my precious”.
As I repeat these lovely words again and again to myself tears run down my face. Warmth fills my chest and I am rapt in Divine Love. God love me this I know, because the small still voices tells me so.
These words are mine. I claim them. I keep them. I hold them dear. God’s love is for us all. I am not a chosen one. I am one who has chosen God.
divine love,
my thoughts,
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I've been entrusted
God has entrusted me with this body. I am to love and care for it. I am to believe in it. I am to be it's advocate, it's cheerleader and it's caregiver. It is mine for now.
We as human beings often treat our pets and possessions better than we treat our own bodies. We will be sure to regularly change the oil in our cars and fill it's tank with premium fuel, and yet deny our own personal transportation package the same care and attention.
I'm changing my outlook on this bit by bit. I am loving my body. Loving my body as I love a child. Children, body and soul are easy to recognise as gifts of God. As parents we innately understand that we are responsible for their care. We treat them gently, lovingly and pridefully. It's God's plan that each generation cares for it's young. Bestowing on them so much love and tender care and thus self worth that each child of God will then continue this care of themselves into adulthood.
There is still very much a child inside each one of us that needs to feel this love and attention. This child lives inside a body that still needs all the TLC, tender loving care, it can get. Now it's my responsibility to care for the body and spirit of this wonderful child of God whom I am.
When I think of my body and spirit as being under my care and as a child, I think differently about them. I am more patient with myself and I love myself, body and soul.
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My big sister Donna loving me, little Debbie. |
God has entrusted me with this body. I am to love and care for it. I am to believe in it. I am to be it's advocate, it's cheerleader and it's caregiver. It is mine for now.
We as human beings often treat our pets and possessions better than we treat our own bodies. We will be sure to regularly change the oil in our cars and fill it's tank with premium fuel, and yet deny our own personal transportation package the same care and attention.
I'm changing my outlook on this bit by bit. I am loving my body. Loving my body as I love a child. Children, body and soul are easy to recognise as gifts of God. As parents we innately understand that we are responsible for their care. We treat them gently, lovingly and pridefully. It's God's plan that each generation cares for it's young. Bestowing on them so much love and tender care and thus self worth that each child of God will then continue this care of themselves into adulthood.
There is still very much a child inside each one of us that needs to feel this love and attention. This child lives inside a body that still needs all the TLC, tender loving care, it can get. Now it's my responsibility to care for the body and spirit of this wonderful child of God whom I am.
When I think of my body and spirit as being under my care and as a child, I think differently about them. I am more patient with myself and I love myself, body and soul.
The gift of will power is given only to humans. Dog's don't have it. Think about it. Do you think a dog who resists snapping up a table scrap does such by any element of self control? No way! It's all a matter of conditioning and training.
Will power goes so very far beyond the common concept of self control. Not long ago I only understood the term to mean the ability to control one's own desires. The power to resist temptations of sensual pleasure. That concept of will power only goes so far and often seems quite unlike a power source but a constant battle. One battle of the will after another. Even within one's own being.
I am now coming to the understanding that each of our own wills is our source of power. A very real source of power that works as simply this statement. Whatever one wills one creates. That power is given to each of us by our creator. It's a power of choice.
We each have the power to choose our own way or God's way. It never has been a matter of a select few being God's chosen people. God has already chosen each of us by the mere fact of our creation and he created each of us with the power of choice. The power to recongnise choices and choose.
God does not force his will upon us. He is always here waiting to be found, acknowledged and chosen. It feels very special to be chosen doesn't it? It is. God wants to be chosen as well. God wants his love to be our source of power. He wants to pour his Divine Love into our very being. So that each of his children are filled with his power and have a radiant joy for life. Overflowing with his love. Spilling Divine Love out of them wherever they go and upon whomever they meet.
This Divine Love is God's gift available to each repentant heart, each selfless soul who thirsts for closeness to the father, who falls onto his knees surrendering his own will to God asking for God and his Divine Love to come into his heart-soul-spirit and fill his very being.
God is always here, always connected to each of us. It's like a direct phone line where God is the operator always on call. He's always online waiting to assist. Live Chat. It's up to each of us to pick up the phone, answer the call, ask for direction. We have to say that we want to be connected. We have to ask for help. We have to admit we can't do it alone. Then we need to shut up. Be quiet. Be still and listen. Listen to the quiet still voice within.We have to shut out the world and open to the universe. The abundant universe of possibility.We have to accept God's guidance and act only when inspired. Inspired action is following God's will given from within. It's a knowing, an urge. Impromptu action that just feels right. Without thought, you feel your way. Feel the good. Feel God. Feel God's will become your will.
When one's will is according to God's will good is created for all. When one truly surrenders his own will to God and asks that God work through him, "Thy will be done", life flows wonderfully. Gone is the constant inner battle of controlling one's own will.
The right path is shown. Daily bread is given. Green pastures appear. Trespasses are not counted. No evil is feared. God's name is hallowed. Love flows freely. Temptation ceases to exist. Thy kingdom comes. Thy will is done.
I pray again today that Thy will be done through me on earth as it is in heaven. So be it.
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Only for a moment. |
The gift of will power is given only to humans. Dog's don't have it. Think about it. Do you think a dog who resists snapping up a table scrap does such by any element of self control? No way! It's all a matter of conditioning and training.
Will power goes so very far beyond the common concept of self control. Not long ago I only understood the term to mean the ability to control one's own desires. The power to resist temptations of sensual pleasure. That concept of will power only goes so far and often seems quite unlike a power source but a constant battle. One battle of the will after another. Even within one's own being.
I am now coming to the understanding that each of our own wills is our source of power. A very real source of power that works as simply this statement. Whatever one wills one creates. That power is given to each of us by our creator. It's a power of choice.
We each have the power to choose our own way or God's way. It never has been a matter of a select few being God's chosen people. God has already chosen each of us by the mere fact of our creation and he created each of us with the power of choice. The power to recongnise choices and choose.
God does not force his will upon us. He is always here waiting to be found, acknowledged and chosen. It feels very special to be chosen doesn't it? It is. God wants to be chosen as well. God wants his love to be our source of power. He wants to pour his Divine Love into our very being. So that each of his children are filled with his power and have a radiant joy for life. Overflowing with his love. Spilling Divine Love out of them wherever they go and upon whomever they meet.
This Divine Love is God's gift available to each repentant heart, each selfless soul who thirsts for closeness to the father, who falls onto his knees surrendering his own will to God asking for God and his Divine Love to come into his heart-soul-spirit and fill his very being.
God is always here, always connected to each of us. It's like a direct phone line where God is the operator always on call. He's always online waiting to assist. Live Chat. It's up to each of us to pick up the phone, answer the call, ask for direction. We have to say that we want to be connected. We have to ask for help. We have to admit we can't do it alone. Then we need to shut up. Be quiet. Be still and listen. Listen to the quiet still voice within.We have to shut out the world and open to the universe. The abundant universe of possibility.We have to accept God's guidance and act only when inspired. Inspired action is following God's will given from within. It's a knowing, an urge. Impromptu action that just feels right. Without thought, you feel your way. Feel the good. Feel God. Feel God's will become your will.
When one's will is according to God's will good is created for all. When one truly surrenders his own will to God and asks that God work through him, "Thy will be done", life flows wonderfully. Gone is the constant inner battle of controlling one's own will.
The right path is shown. Daily bread is given. Green pastures appear. Trespasses are not counted. No evil is feared. God's name is hallowed. Love flows freely. Temptation ceases to exist. Thy kingdom comes. Thy will is done.
I pray again today that Thy will be done through me on earth as it is in heaven. So be it.
divine love,
holy spirit,
my thoughts,
Live in Love
Love is always present.
Love is never lost.
Love can not be wasted.
Love is enough.
There is enough love.
Find love everywhere.
Share your love.
The love you share is shared with you.
Love is never lost.
Love can not be wasted.
Love is enough.
There is enough love.
Find love everywhere.
Share your love.
The love you share is shared with you.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The "W" in Christmas
A heart warming Christmas story
I had cut back on nonessential obligations - extensive card writing, endless baking, decorating, and even overspending.
Yet still, I found myself exhausted, unable to appreciate the precious family moments, and of course, the true meaning of Christmas.
My son, Nicholas, was in kindergarten that year. It was an exciting season for a 6 year old.
For weeks, he'd been memorizing songs for his school's "Winter Pageant."
I didn't have the heart to tell him I'd be working the night of the production. Unwilling to miss his shining moment, I spoke with his teacher. She assured me there'd be a dress rehearsal the morning of the presentation. All parents unable to attend that evening were welcome to come then.
Fortunately, Nicholas seemed happy with the compromise. So, the morning of the dress rehearsal, I filed in 10 minutes early, found a spot on the cafeteria floor and sat down. Around the room, I saw several other parents quietly scampering to their seats.
As I waited, the students were led into the room. Each class, accompanied by their teacher, sat cross-legged on the floor. Then, each group, one by one, rose to perform their song.
Because the public school system had long stopped referring to the holiday as "Christmas," I didn't expect anything other than fun, commercial entertainment songs of reindeer, Santa Claus, snowflakes and good cheer.
So, when my son's class rose to sing, "Christmas Love," I was slightly taken aback by its bold title.
Nicholas was aglow, as were all of his classmates, adorned in fuzzy mittens, red sweaters, and bright snowcaps upon their heads.
Those in the front row - center stage - held up large letters, one by one, to spell out the title of the song.
As the class would sing "C is for Christmas," a child would hold up the letter C. Then, "H is for Happy," and on and on, until each child holding up his portion had presented the complete message, "Christmas Love."
The performance was going smoothly, until suddenly, we noticed her; a small, quiet girl in the front row holding the letter "M" upside down - totally unaware her letter "M" appeared as a "W."
The audience of first through sixth graders snickered at this little one's mistake. But she had no idea they were laughing at her, so she stood tall, proudly holding her "W."
Although many teachers tried to shush the children, the laughter continued until the last letter was raised, and we all saw it together.
A hush came over the audience and eyes began to widen.
In that instant, we understood the reason we were there, why we celebrated the holiday in the first place, why even in the chaos, there was a purpose for our festivities.
For when the last letter was held high, the message read loud and clear:
"C H R I S T W A S L O V E"
I had cut back on nonessential obligations - extensive card writing, endless baking, decorating, and even overspending.
Yet still, I found myself exhausted, unable to appreciate the precious family moments, and of course, the true meaning of Christmas.
My son, Nicholas, was in kindergarten that year. It was an exciting season for a 6 year old.
For weeks, he'd been memorizing songs for his school's "Winter Pageant."
I didn't have the heart to tell him I'd be working the night of the production. Unwilling to miss his shining moment, I spoke with his teacher. She assured me there'd be a dress rehearsal the morning of the presentation. All parents unable to attend that evening were welcome to come then.
Fortunately, Nicholas seemed happy with the compromise. So, the morning of the dress rehearsal, I filed in 10 minutes early, found a spot on the cafeteria floor and sat down. Around the room, I saw several other parents quietly scampering to their seats.
As I waited, the students were led into the room. Each class, accompanied by their teacher, sat cross-legged on the floor. Then, each group, one by one, rose to perform their song.
Because the public school system had long stopped referring to the holiday as "Christmas," I didn't expect anything other than fun, commercial entertainment songs of reindeer, Santa Claus, snowflakes and good cheer.
So, when my son's class rose to sing, "Christmas Love," I was slightly taken aback by its bold title.
Nicholas was aglow, as were all of his classmates, adorned in fuzzy mittens, red sweaters, and bright snowcaps upon their heads.
Those in the front row - center stage - held up large letters, one by one, to spell out the title of the song.
As the class would sing "C is for Christmas," a child would hold up the letter C. Then, "H is for Happy," and on and on, until each child holding up his portion had presented the complete message, "Christmas Love."
The performance was going smoothly, until suddenly, we noticed her; a small, quiet girl in the front row holding the letter "M" upside down - totally unaware her letter "M" appeared as a "W."
The audience of first through sixth graders snickered at this little one's mistake. But she had no idea they were laughing at her, so she stood tall, proudly holding her "W."
Although many teachers tried to shush the children, the laughter continued until the last letter was raised, and we all saw it together.
A hush came over the audience and eyes began to widen.
In that instant, we understood the reason we were there, why we celebrated the holiday in the first place, why even in the chaos, there was a purpose for our festivities.
For when the last letter was held high, the message read loud and clear:
"C H R I S T W A S L O V E"
And, I believe, He still is.
Each December, I vowed to make Christmas a calm and peaceful experience.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Drop it like a hot potato!
Something in the news tonight riled me up! I was all set to leave a comment on the story where I saw it online. I was going to say that news like that didn't need to be reported. Because that is exactly what the people written about wanted. Publicity. Making something bigger out of something not good in the beginning. Adding energy a negative in our world. Then I was pulled back and almost gasp. I was about to do the same. My rant would have fueled the fire. A fire that has raged too long. My comments would only stoke the fire.
So instead I choose to read a HeavenLetter. Below is the beginning of the letter I read.
So instead I choose to read a HeavenLetter. Below is the beginning of the letter I read.
God said:
You like what you like, and you don’t like what you don’t like. That is fair enough. What you like, however, matters. What you don’t like, let it go. Carry on. Let go of the bygones. Don’t carry them. Do not put your nose up in the air about what you don’t like. In terms of life, what you don’t like isn’t important. What you don’t like is only what you don’t like. Don’t complain. Move over to what you do like.
To keep reading this letter click this link
Something he said
You must know this much:
something invisible
guides you.
With invisible
threads of love,
I pull you closer.
That's it,
the story
of your life.
divine love,
holy spirit,
other's ideas,
self discovery
Just Glowing
![]() |
I thought of you. |
my thoughts,
self discovery,
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
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Morning Walk |
What a view!
What view?
A view beyond.
Beyond what?
Beyond walls.
Beyond restraints.
Just to be able to see,
Makes one feel free.
Debra Clemente
my thoughts,
soul searching,
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Random Acts of Culture
Imagine you went shopping on Saturday, October 30th of this year- to Macy's in Philadelphia - the once magnificent Wanamaker's Department Store with its vast pipe organ at the store's "center court." You are a bit surprised to see decorations for Christmas and in the midst of your shopping you hear the music from the organ. Then suddenly you get hit with this "random act of culture." Catch the expressions and sense of spontaneous worship. last Saturday - to Macy's in Philadelphia - the once magnificent Wanamaker's Department Store with its vast pipe organ at the store's "center court." You are a bit surprised to see decorations for Christmas and in the midst of your shopping you hear the music from the organ. Then suddenly you get hit with this "random act of culture." Catch the expressions and sense of spontaneous worship.
free choice,
in the now,
life lessons,
other's ideas,
About Me

- artistdeb
- I'm a passionate fine art painter and spiritual writer awakening to a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness with the universe everyday. As an artist, I express the the joy I feel with the voice of color. Just I as I have been inspired to sing the song of my soul with paint and palette, I am now being prompted to pick up a pen and write. Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story journals a year of my awakening to the Voice of Love. I used to have to guard my thoughts; now my thoughts guard and guide me. It’s like I have a life coach in my head, but the wisdom is from a whole different source than my brain. I invite you to spend sometime here perusing excerpts from my soon to be published book and browsing a gallery of my paintings. It is my wish that what I offer may open a window of new possibility within your heart and mind. And like a “breath of fresh air,” awaken a part of your soul. May your joy be full, Debra Clemente artist/author
christ conciousness
color field painting
devine love
divine love
free choice
funny stuff
harvest time
holy spirit
in the now
law of attraction
life lessons
limited edition
love speaks to me
mind action
my thoughts
oil painting
other's ideas
self discovery
soul searching
soul song
spirtual guides
unconditional love
wheat field
Blog Archive
- One Love For All
- Saint Gertrude gains the grace of Divine Love
- A few things I've learned this year
- A note of thanks
- My Thoughts
- I can see it but I don’t have to be it.
- Composers- Poets - Painters - Sages - Saints - Inv...
- Words have power
- I've been entrusted
- Live in Love
- The "W" in Christmas
- A wonderful story
- Drop it like a hot potato!
- Something he said
- Gentle Thoughts
- Just Glowing
- Random Acts of Culture
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